Project PortFolio Page: dojh111


LifEasier helps Computer Engineering (CEG) students to manage their classes, social events, deadlines and school notes through the Command Line Interface (CLI). The following describes my personal contributions to the project, and what specific features and enhancements I implemented. It also contains a record of the documentation I helped to contribute.

Summary of Contributions

The following sections summarise my contributions for LifEasier.

Code Contributed

In total, I have contributed over 2200 total lines of code, with around 1500 lines of functional code, and the rest being split between test code and documentation. To view my code contributions, please visit the link here.

Enhancements Implemented

For enhancements, I implemented the following features:

While a basic saving and storage handling system is rather easy to implement, due to the functionality of LifEasier different types of data had to be stored and read in separate ways, leading to a more complicated file reading and writing system. On top of that, as users are able to edit the save files directly, a robust system to detect and handle corrupted/wrongly formatted save files had to be implemented.

Contributions to Documentation (UG)

For the user guide, I contributed mainly to the features I implemented, which are sections 3.17 Archiving Notes, and 4.1 Storing Data. Apart from that, I also contributed to the Section 2.0 Quick Start, 5.0 FAQ and the 6.0 Command Summary, which can be found from the user guide here.

Contributions to the DG

For the developer guide, I contributed the following content and UML diagrams:

The developer guide can be found here.

Contributions to Team-Based Tasks

Overall, I generally helped with maintaining some of the issues on the issue tracker through v2.0 and v2.1, along with managing the release of v2.0. I also helped introduce the Jansi third-party library into the project, allowing coloured windows terminal outputs.

Review/Mentoring Contributions

Throughout the development process, I helped review the pull requests of the other members, as well as helping them solve some issues that they had faced during development of features.

Contributions beyond the Project Team

Outside the project team, I kept myself constantly updated on the forum posts, to keep updated on any potential issues posted that may affect our project team, as well as potential third party libraries that we could adopt. Apart from that, I had a discussion with another developer from another team on the enabling of color in the windows command terminal.