Project PortFolio Page: johan9se


LifEasier helps Computer Engineering (CEG) students to manage their classes, social events, deadlines and school notes through the Command Line Interface (CLI). The following describes my personal contributions to the project, and what specific features and enhancements I implemented. It also contains a record of the documentation I helped to contribute.

Summary of Contributions

The following section provides a summary of what I have contributed to the project.

Code Contributed

A summary of my contributions generated by RepoSense can be found here. In total, I have contributed a little over 1500 lines of code to the project. About 60% of this is functional code, contributing to the features and the enhancements to the project. The rest is split between documentation and test code.

Enhancements Implemented

For enhancements, I implemented the following functionalities:

Contributions to the User Guide

In the User Guide, I wrote the sections related to the features and enhancements I implemented. These sections are Section 3.9 and Section 3.10.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

In the Developer Guide, I also wrote the sections related to the features and enhancements I implemented, as well as the corresponding UML diagrams of these sections. These can be found in Section 4.7 and Section 4.9.

Contributions to Team-Based Tasks

In terms of contribution to team based tasks, I feel I contributed in non-specific areas in the User Guide and Developer Guide. For example, I helped in writing the Project Scope section as well as the Appendices in the Developer Guide.

Review / Mentoring Contributions

Throughout the development process, I helped review some pull requests of the other members, as well as communicating with them any suggestions as to how might improve their development of features.

Contributions beyond the Project Team

I participated actively during peer review exercises and did my best to give constructive and meaningful feedback to the other teams.